Faculty Directory
Since 2022, Emory’s AI.Humanity initiative has attracted nearly 50 new faculty members to the university. Together with other new recruits and long-term faculty with expertise in AI, they are part of Emory's robust and growing community of AI.Humanity faculty scholars. These faculty members engage in AI-related research and teaching within disciplines where Emory has significant strength. Scholars span across seven of eight schools at Emory, representing expertise in these general areas: business and enterprise, human health, law and social justice, arts and humanities, ethics, and foundational AI.
Emory faculty with expertise in AI who wish to be added to the directory may email ai.humanity@emory.edu.
Panagiotis Adamopoulos
Associate Professor, Information Systems and Operations Management
Focus area(s):
Business and Enterprise
Research focus: Studies how information systems and technological artifacts affect user behavior and transform business and society.
Faculty Profile
Weihua An
Professor, QTM and Sociology
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Foundations of AI
Research focus: Advancing network analysis and causal inference through computational enhancement with Bayesian analysis, machine learning, and AI and substantive studies of inequality and social policy, health, and organizations.
Faculty Website
Michal Arbilly
Assistant Teaching Professor, Quantitative Theory and Methods and Biology
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Ethics
, Foundations of AI
Research focus: Dr. Arbilly's research interests lie at the intersection of animal behavior, cognition, and evolution. She explores how group living has influenced the evolution of learning and decision-making processes using computer models to understand cognitive processes and social dynamics.
Faculty Profile
Sunil S Badve
Professor and Vice Chair, Pathology Cancer Programs and laboratory Medicine
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Primarily on breast cancer including a wide range of topics from diagnostics to basic science and clinical trials. The lab is funded through funds from NCI, DOD and Komen grants
Faculty Profile
Tucker Balch
Professor in the Practice and Research of Finance
Focus area(s):
Business and Enterprise
, Ethics
Research focus: Intersection of AI and finance including novel time series prediction methods, high-fidelity market simulation, synthetic financial data generation, behavior modeling, and secure cryptographic trading systems.
Hired through the AI.Humanity initiative.
Faculty Website
Alejandro Sanchez Becerra
Assistant Professor, Quantitative Theory and Methods (QTM)
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Business and Enterprise
, Foundations of AI
Research focus: Econometrics, causal inference, machine learning, and network analysis. Dedicated to developing statistical tools to improve the evaluation of poverty-alleviation programs.
Faculty Website
George Beck Jr
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Lipids
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Dr. Beck examines the effects of Thiazolidinediones on bone quality in diabetic subjects, the role of inorganic phosphate in cancer and bone diseases, and the cellular targeting of nanoparticles for medical applications related to bone disease.
Faculty Profile
Ira Bedzow
Associate Professor, Executive Director of the Emory Purpose Project, Center for Ethics
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Business and Enterprise
, Human Health
, Arts and Humanities
, Ethics
Research focus: Understanding the ethical implications of technology and policy changes, as well as how to create an ethical culture through values-driven leadership. Making a values-driven decision and implementing it consists of different skills.
Faculty Profile
Alexis Bender
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Dr. Alexis Bender specializes in the psychosocial aspects of aging, disability, and chronic disease, focusing on patient-provider interactions and social relationships over the life course.
Faculty Profile
Guy Benian
Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Guy Benian focuses on myofibril assembly and maintenance in Caenorhabditis elegans, studying the functions and structures of giant multi-domain proteins and the mechanisms by which they transmit force in muscle cells.
Faculty Profile
David Benkeser
Associate Professor, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
Rollins School of Public Health
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Foundations of AI
Research focus: David Benkeser's methodological research concentrates on the theory and applications of machine learning in causal inference, focusing on vaccine statistics, infectious diseases like HIV and tuberculosis, and robust nonparametric statistical inference.
Faculty Profile
Marcela Benítez
Assistant Professor, Anthropology
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Arts and Humanities
Research focus: Interested in the evolution of primate social cognition, the mechanisms that influence social choices, and the context in which these decisions are adaptive.
Faculty Website
Gregory Berns
Professor of Psychology, Distinguished Professor of Neuroeconomics, Director, Center for Neuropolicy, Director, Facility for Education and Research in Neuroscience (FERN), Department of Psychology
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Business and Enterprise
, Human Health
Research focus: Dr. Berns' research focuses on the neuroimaging of human decision-making and canine cognitive function using awake fMRI. His work aims to map human and dogs' perceptual and decision systems and explore the neurobiology underlying decision-making and preferences.
Faculty Profile
Anandhi Bharadwaj
Goizueta Endowed Chair and Professor of Information Systems and Operations Management, ISOM
Focus area(s):
Business and Enterprise
Research focus: AI and future of work, AI and occupations, AI and Business Value.
Faculty Profile
Manoj Bhasin
Professor of Pediatrics and Biomedical Informatics
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Development of advanced single-cell omics approaches, bioinformatics, and AI algorithms to understand disease pathophysiology for identifying biomarkers. Our main areas of interest are immune landscape mapping of cancers, diabetic foot ulcers, precision medicine, and drug repurposing.
Faculty Website
Siva Bhavani
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Applying AI to match critically ill patients with individualized treatment strategies.
Faculty Profile
Jesse Bockstedt
Professor and Senior Associate Dean, Information Systems and Operations Management
Focus area(s):
Business and Enterprise
, Foundations of AI
Research focus: The relationships between AI technologies and economic issues that impact consumers and markets. Expertise in AI and machine learning techniques, IT applications in business, randomized experiments, applied statistics and econometrics, economic theory, and technology business models.
Faculty Website
Monique Bouvier
Assistant Professor, Center for Data Science
Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Understanding how AI can assist nurses with their workflow. Implementing predictive analytics, large language models, bidirectional video inpatient virtual care, message management in outpatient, and other AI modalities in the health system.
LinkedIn Profile
Selen Bozkurt
Assistant Professor, Biomedical Informatics
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Arts and Humanities
Research focus: Applying AI and natural language processing to real-world health data analytics; clinical decision support; data-centric AI; bias mitigation strategies and algorithmic fairness; AI governance and ethics.
Hired through the AI.Humanity initiative.
Faculty Website
Douglas Bremner
Professor, Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Douglas Bremner's research focuses on PTSD, depression, stress, cardiovascular disease, and the application of brain and cardiac imaging to study stress-related conditions.
Faculty Profile
Yana Bromberg
Professor, Biology and Computer Science
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Arts and Humanities
Research focus: Bioinformatics and machine learning approaches to protein function prediction and genome variation analysis. Precision medicine, microbiome, origins of life.
Hired through the AI.Humanity initiative.
Faculty Profile
Tankut Can
Assistant Professor, Physics
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Arts and Humanities
Research focus: Computation and learning in brains and machines. Research involves bringing techniques and formalism from theoretical physics and mathematics to tackle problems in machine learning, cognitive science, and neuroscience.
Hired through the AI.Humanity initiative.
Faculty Website
Rodrigo M. Carrillo Larco
Assistant Professor, Hubert Department of Global Health
Rollins School of Public Health
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Leverage statistics, data science, and machine learning to advance population health in the field of cardiometabolic diseases. Develop risk stratification tools, digital biomarkers, and metrics for disease surveillance.
Hired through the AI.Humanity initiative.
LinkedIn Profile
Ann Chahroudi
Professor of Pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Dr. Chahroudi's research is centered on viral pathogenesis and treatment for HIV, Zika virus, and SARS-CoV-2, focusing on mechanisms of HIV persistence, testing translational cure-directed strategies, and uncovering immunopathologies using pediatric models and patient samples.
Faculty Profile
Tian Chan
Associate Professor of Information Systems and Operations Management
Focus area(s):
Business and Enterprise
, Foundations of AI
Research focus: Studying the effects of collaboration, group decision dynamics, and task characteristics on innovation outcomes. The work on product design leans on computer vision (that is, the ability of machines to recognize and interpret images).
Faculty Website
Howard Chang
Professor, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
Rollins School of Public Health
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Development and application of methods for analyzing complex spatial-temporal exposure and health data, particularly for health effect estimation and impact assessment leveraging large databases.
Faculty Profile
Ramnath Chellappa
Professor of Information Systems and Operations Management; Academic Director, MS in Business Analytics
Focus area(s):
Business and Enterprise
Research focus: Ramnath K. Chellappa's research primarily focuses on electronic markets, pricing, digital goods piracy, and the economics of information security and privacy. His work has been widely published and includes notable contributions to understanding privacy concerns, software pricing, and competitive dynamics in the technology industry.
Faculty Profile
Brooke Cherven
Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Hematology and Oncology
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Dr. Brooke Cherven's research focuses on reproductive health among adolescent and young adult cancer survivors, with interests in fertility assessment, sexual health, and the human papillomavirus vaccine among cancer survivors.
Faculty Profile
Ike Choi
Professor, Center for Data Science
Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Arts and Humanities
Research focus: Integrating AI, virtual reality, and biosensing technologies into learning science to develop solutions to enhance human cognition, emotion, and behavior for health outcomes; pedagogical innovations for health professions and public health education.
Faculty Profile
Jinho Choi
Associate Professor, Computer Science, Quantitative Theory and Methods, Linguistics
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Natural language processing and conversational AI, with applications across multiple domains, including health care. Develop advanced conversational AI models to support individuals with mental health challenges such as PTSD, Alzheimer's Disease, and autism spectrum disorders.
Faculty Website
Julianne Chung
Associate Professor, Mathematics
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Arts and Humanities
Research focus: Numerical methods and software for computing solutions to large-scale inverse problems, such as those that arise in medical imaging applications. Numerical analysis and scientific computing, inverse problems and uncertainty quantification, computational image processing, numerical linear algebra, optimization, data science, machine learning.
Hired through the AI.Humanity initiative.
Faculty Profile
Matthias Chung
Associate Professor, Mathematics
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Arts and Humanities
Research focus: Numerical analysis and scientific computing, inverse problems, computational biology, applied linear algebra, machine learning, parameter estimation, dynamical systems and optimization.
Hired through the AI.Humanity initiative.
Faculty Profile
Anita Corbett
Professor, Department of Biology
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Understanding the function of RNA binding proteins and their link to tissue-specific diseases, such as neuronal dysfunction and muscular dystrophy, using genetic model systems and various biological approaches.
Faculty Website
Victor Corces
Professor, Department of Human Genetics
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Dr. Corces's research involves studying the 3D organization of chromatin and its role in the mechanisms of cancer, focusing on CTCF and cohesin proteins often mutated in leukemia and other cancers.
Faculty Profile
Ruomeng Cui
Goizueta Foundation Term Chair Associate Professor, Information System and Operations Management
Focus area(s):
Business and Enterprise
Research focus: Causal-driven decision-making in platforms, retail, and supply chains. Identify-then-optimize models, causal inference, causal machine learning, and economics.
Faculty Profile
Allison Cuttner
Assistant Teaching Professor, Quantitative Theory and Methods (QTM)
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Business and Enterprise
, Human Health
Research focus: Dr. Cuttner's research focuses on distributive politics, governance, and personnel in non-democracies and developing countries, examining relationships between leaders and elites and their impact on public goods distribution.
Faculty Profile
Katherine Davis
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: The Davis Lab focuses on the development and application of physical methods to elucidate the structure and mechanisms of metal-containing enzymes important for human health and medicine.
Faculty Website
Carlo DeCecco
Professor of Radiology and Biomedical Informatica
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Development and testing of AI solutions to improve the understanding, diagnosis, and follow-up of cardiac disease.
LinkedIn Profile
Daniel Dilks
Associate Professor, Associate Professor
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Foundations of AI
Research focus: Daniel D. Dilks' research investigates the functional organization of the human visual cortex, its development, and how it changes in adulthood using methods like psychophysics, fMRI, and TMS.
Faculty Profile
Daniel Drane
Professor, Department of Neurology
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Dr. Daniel Drane's primary research interest involves examining semantic memory, object recognition, and aspects of language functioning using neuropsychological testing, neuroimaging, and electrocorticography. Additionally, he investigates safer surgical alternatives for epilepsy and the impact of antiepileptic drugs.
Faculty Profile
Cristina Drenkard
Associate Professor, Division of Rheumatology
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Dr. Drenkard's research focuses on understanding health disparities in lupus, emphasizing patient-centered outcomes and behavioral interventions. Her work involves understanding the impact of psychosocial factors on patient outcomes, developing cost-effective self-management interventions, and improving lupus care, particularly among ethnic minorities.
Faculty Profile
Anne Dunlop
Assistant Research Professor, Department of Family and Preventive Medicine
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Dr. Dunlop's research focuses on understanding the biological, social, and clinical factors contributing to racial and ethnic disparities in preterm birth, maternal morbidities, and infant mortality. She leads NIH-funded studies addressing women's reproductive health outcomes and the impacts of health practices and policies.
Faculty Profile
Laura Edwards
Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Arts and Humanities
Research focus: Laura's research utilizes social neuroscience methods to enhance educational outcomes for children with autism, with projects aimed at early intervention, risk prediction, and the role of arts in social development.
Faculty Website
Ronald Eldridge
Assistant Professor, Research
Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Dr. Ronald Eldridge is an expert in cancer epidemiology, focusing on advanced methods to study biological mechanisms of cancer symptoms and survival, particularly in head and neck cancer, through high-resolution metabolomics and cancer patient outcomes.
Faculty Profile
Andrew Escayg
Research Collaborator, Emory National Primate Research Center, Department of Human Genetics
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Primarily concentrates on treatment-resistant pediatric epilepsy, with an emphasis on understanding genetic mutations and seizure mechanisms and developing novel treatments.
Faculty Profile
Todd Everson
Associate Professor, Gangarosa Department of Environmental Health
Rollins School of Public Health
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Perinatal exposures, epigenomics, transcriptomics, and children's health and development. The effects of PFAS, adversity and maltreatment, and substance use, or on molecular markers in children that were born very preterm.
Faculty Profile
Alex Fedorov
Assistant Research Professor, Center for Data Science
Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Foundations of AI
Research focus: Trustworthy medical AI systems, representation learning, multimodal learning, medical imaging, neuroimaging, electronic health records, physiological time series, neurodegenerative diseases, neuropsychiatric disorders, cardiovascular health.
LinkedIn Profile
Jennifer Felger
Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Dr. Felger studies the effects of inflammatory cytokines on neurotransmitters and neural circuits, specifically exploring the role of dopamine in alterations in neurocircuitry associated with increased inflammation in patients with major depression.
Faculty Profile
Farzad Fereidouni
Associate Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Development of imaging instrumentation and computational methods for tissue and cellular microscopy applications. Creating novel imaging approaches with direct application in pathology and patient care.
Hired through the AI.Humanity initiative.
LinkedIn Profile
Mandy Ford
Professor, Division of Transplantation, Department of Surgery; Scientific Director, Emory Transplant Center; Director of Admissions, Immunology and Molecular Pathogenesis Graduate Program
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: The cellular mechanisms of T cell responses in transplantation and immunosuppression, with investigations on cancer and sepsis and the impact of chronic alcohol abuse on sepsis.
Faculty Profile
Roberto Franzosi
Professor, Department of Sociology
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Arts and Humanities
, Foundations of AI
Research focus: Roberto Franzosi's research interests include the study of social protest and violence and focusing on language, narrative measurement, and text analysis. His work explores text and narrative using quantitative methods to understand historical events like Italian fascism and lynchings in Georgia.
Faculty Profile
Susan Gagliardi
Professor, Art History Department
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Arts and Humanities
Research focus: The art and identity dynamics in West Africa, explicitly emphasizing power associations and cultural interfaces in the Senufo-Mande region. She explores art history through geospatial analysis and digital publications.
Faculty Profile
Rajiv Garg
Associate Professor, Information Systems and Operations Management
Focus area(s):
Business and Enterprise
, Ethics
, Foundations of AI
Research focus: Examining the flow of information in digital platforms, utilizing economic and statistical methods. Exploring human-machine interactions in business applications, emphasizing the responsible use of AI to harness the potential of emerging technologies.
Faculty Profile
Sandra Garraway
Associate Professor, Department of Cell Biology
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Spinal nociceptive plasticity in developing and mature systems, particularly in understanding the neurobiological mechanisms underlying the development and maintenance of chronic neuropathic pain following spinal cord injury.
Faculty Profile
Judy Gichoya
Associate Professor, Radiology
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Ethics
Research focus: Working in 4 areas - building diverse datasets for machine learning (for example, the Emory Breast dataset); evaluating AI for bias and fairness; validating AI in the real-world setting and training the next generation of data scientists (both clinical and technical students) through hive learning and village mentoring.
Faculty Profile
Michael J. A. Girard
Associate Professor of Ophthalmology
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Ophthalmic engineering/artificial intelligence, biomedical imaging, ocular biomechanics and ophthalmic devices.
Hired through the AI.Humanity initiative.
Faculty Profile
Manuela Girotti
Assistant Professor, Mathematics
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Arts and Humanities
Research focus: Theoretical machine learning, deep learning theory, optimization; integrable systems, random matrix theory, partial differential equations.
Hired through the AI.Humanity initiative.
Faculty Website
Zhiyun Gong
Associate Teaching Professor, Department of Quantitative Theory and Methods
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Business and Enterprise
, Ethics
, Foundations of AI
Research focus: Dr. Gong focuses on extreme value Theory, actuarial science, time series analysis, and stochastic processes.
Faculty Profile
Ying Guo
Professor, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
Rollins School of Public Health
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Ethics
, Foundations of AI
Research focus: Specializing in applying biostatistics and bioinformatics to understand mental health and neuroscience. Her work also encompasses statistical methods for imaging, with an emphasis on functional neuroimaging and brain connectivity, contributing to human health and AI ethics.
Faculty Profile
David Gutman
Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Informatics
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Ethics
Research focus: The use of digital imaging technologies, particularly in digital pathology and radiology imaging, to answer neuroscientific questions and to correlate imaging with genetic and clinical data, with a focus on glioma patients. He is also interested in using imaging techniques like DTI and MRI to explore neural circuitry.
Faculty Profile
Madeleine Hackney
Associate Professor of Medicine
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Arts and Humanities
Research focus: Design and study the effects of music—and dance-based exercise on improving motor, cognitive, and psychosocial function in people with Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease.
LinkedIn Profile
Ihab Hajjar
Associate Professor, General Medicine and Geriatrics
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Centering on the interplay between hypertension, vascular disease, and brain health, focusing on cognitive performance and the cerebrovascular effects of antihypertensive medications as potential treatments for cognitive decline and dementia.
Faculty Profile
Raghuveer Halkar
Professor, Department of Radiology
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Dr. Halkar's research interest is in imaging and therapy with radio-labeled folate, focusing on applications in thyroid cancer and neuroendocrine tumors.
Faculty Profile
Robert Hampton
Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Psychology
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: The comparative psychology of nonhuman primates and birds, specifically looking at the neurobiology of learning, memory, and metacognition. His laboratory uses computerized tests to study cognition in laboratory and natural settings.
Faculty Profile
Jo Hanjoong
Wallace H. Coulter Distinguished Faculty Chair Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: How blood flow regulates vascular biology and disease, especially atherosclerosis and aortic valve disease, by regulating expression of flow-sensitive genes and proteins. The flow-sensitive genes/proteins are targeted to develop novel therapeutics to prevent and treat vascular disease.
Faculty Profile
Daniel Harper
Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Foundations of AI
Research focus: Dr. Harper leads the Psychophysics and Imaging Neuroscience (PaIN) Lab, focusing on how individuals perceive pain and other sensory experiences. His research combines psychophysics and brain neuroimaging to explore both basic perceptual mechanisms and their alterations in chronic pain conditions, aiming to develop better solutions for pain management.
Faculty Profile
John Hepler
Professor and Vice Chair for Academic Affairs, Professor and Vice Chair for Academic Affairs
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Understanding intracellular communication, particularly how receptors, G proteins, and RGS proteins regulate cell and organ physiology. His work has implications for cognitive functions, learning and memory, and neurodegenerative diseases.
Faculty Website
Vicki Stover Hertzberg
Professor, tenured Director of the Center for Data Science
Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Understanding intracellular communication, particularly how receptors, G proteins, and RGS proteins regulate cell and organ physiology. His work has implications for cognitive functions, learning and memory, and neurodegenerative diseases.
Faculty Profile
Ellen Hess
Professor, Pharmacology
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Pathophysiology of movement disorders.
Faculty Website
David Hirshberg
Assistant Professor, Quantitative Theory and Methods Department
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Foundations of AI
Research focus: Methods for estimating causal effects from observational studies and experiments, contributing to developing R packages such as synthdid and grf. His work involves creating stable and efficient covariate-balancing estimators for causal analysis.
Faculty Website
Peter F. Hitchcock
Assistant Professor, Psychology
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Arts and Humanities
Research focus: Clarifying when and why learning and decision-making goes awry in depression and anxiety disorders and developing potent and scalable translational interventions.
Hired through the AI.Humanity initiative.
Faculty Profile
Joyce Ho
Associate Professor, Computer Science
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Ethics
Research focus: Developing advanced machine learning techniques for health care data—subtyping diseases, enhancing clinical predictions, and integrating social determinants of health into predictive models.
Faculty Website
Andre Holder
Associate Professor, Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Ethics
Research focus: Successfully deploying advanced data-driven algorithms to forecast and phenotype critical illness. Other areas of interest include early sepsis resuscitation, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and hemodynamic monitoring.
Faculty Profile
Jian Hu
Assistant Professor, Human Genetics
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: A methodological component focusing on developing novel statistical methods for biomedical data and an applied component focusing on applying these methods for clinical and biological studies.
Hired through the AI.Humanity initiative.
Faculty Profile
Xiao Hu
Professor and Asa Griggs Candler Chair of Nursing Data Science, Center for Data Science
Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Foundations of AI
Research focus: Development and application of novel signal processing, machine learning, deep learning, and multimodality AI techniques in a variety of clinical specialties: neurology, critical and neurocritical care, cardiology, oncology and across the life span.
Faculty Profile
Yijuan Hu
Professor, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
Rollins School of Public Health
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Developing statistical methods and software for analyzing high-throughput microbiome and genetic data in human epidemiology and clinical studies.
Faculty Profile
Xiao Huang
Assistant Professor, Environmental Science
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Arts and Humanities
Research focus: Computational geography, human mobility and network sciences, disaster mitigation and resilience, human-environment interaction, urban informatics, and geo-artificial intelligence (GeoAI).
Hired through the AI.Humanity initiative.
Faculty Profile
Daniel Huddleston
Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Neuroimaging in Parkinson's disease and related movement disorders, aiming to enhance diagnostic accuracy and understanding of disease progression through advanced MRI techniques.
Faculty Profile
Anke Huels
Assistant Professor, Epidemiology
Rollins School of Public Health
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Using quantitative epidemiologic methods to better understand the interplay between the environment, (epi) genetics and cognitive health. Elucidate the complex relationship between air pollution, social and molecular factors, and cognitive health across the lifespan.
Faculty Website
Marat Ibragimov
Assistant Professor, Marketing
Focus area(s):
Business and Enterprise
Research focus: Improving firms' core business strategies by using machine learning, econometrics, and mathematical modeling. Product returns management, customer search, and personalized promotions.
Hired through the AI.Humanity initiative.
Faculty Profile
Dieter Jaeger
Professor, Biology
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Research focus: Computational neuroscientist figuring out neural coding in the mouse motor system. Emphasis on thalamocortical interactions, basal ganglia, and cerebellum using physiological and biophysically realistic modeling approaches.
Faculty Profile
Ram Jagannathan
Dr, Global Diabetes Research Center
Rollins School of Public Health
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: To investigate factors linked to early and late AD/ADRD stages and apply AI and machine learning for early risk assessment. Improve understanding of AD/ADRD progression, enabling personalized disease prediction and advancing prevention and management strategies.
Faculty Website
Jie Jiang
Associate Professor, Cell Biology
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: The study of two deliberating neurodegenerative diseases, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Dementia, using model organisms, AI tools, and patient material.
Faculty Website
Wei Jiang
Asa Griggs Candler Professor of Finance, Finance
Focus area(s):
Business and Enterprise
Research focus: In pursuit of “economics/finance of technology,” applying the principles of financial economics to the setup, action, and consequences of AI and re-assessing the governance of corporations and financial markets/systems.
Faculty Website
Peng Jin
Professor and Chair, Human Genetics
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: The study of Genome Dynamics and Neuroepigenetics.
Faculty Website
Wei Jin
Assistant Professor, Computer Science
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Arts and Humanities
Research focus: Deep learning on graphs, data-centric AI, data mining with applications in single-cell analysis, transportation, social science.
Hired through the AI.Humanity initiative.
Faculty Profile
Hyder Jinnah
Professor, Department of Neurology, Department of Human Genetics, Department of Pediatrics
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Hyder Jinnah is widely known for his research in movement disorders, with a focus on dystonia and neurogenetics, using genetics, biochemistry, cell and animal models, and clinical studies.
Faculty Profile
Warren Jones
Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Exploring autism through developing performance-based measures of social engagement, used as diagnostic markers and indicators of outcomes for understanding genetic, neural, and behavioral mechanisms in autism spectrum disorders.
Faculty Profile
Rishikesan Kamaleswaran
Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Informatics
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Foundations of AI
Research focus: Developing novel machine learning methods and applications in areas such as sepsis and organ dysfunction, particularly within pediatrics, critical care, and neurology. His expertise includes critical care and neurology. His expertise includes real-time analysis of physiological data to predict clinical deterioration.
Faculty Website
Diwas KC
Professor, Information Systems and Operations Management
Focus area(s):
Business and Enterprise
, Human Health
, Foundations of AI
Research focus: Teach and conduct research in areas of data analytics, technology, and health care. Research topics include workforce productivity, capacity management, technology adoption, policy formulation, and the design and organization of health care delivery.
Faculty Profile
Trisha Kesar
Associate Professor, Rehabilitation Medicine
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Trisha Kesar aims to develop novel gait rehabilitation interventions by understanding the neuroplasticity, biomechanical, and motor learning mechanisms underlying gait and gait training, especially for post-stroke rehabilitation.
Faculty Profile
Aparna Kesarwala
Assistant Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Dr. Kesarwala's research interests lie at the intersection of radiation biology, oncology, cancer cell metabolism, and molecular imaging, focusing on thoracic malignancies.
Faculty Profile
Shella Kielholz
Professor, BME
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Foundations of AI
Research focus: Studying the systems-level organization of intrinsic brain activity using AI. Some of the mechanisms uncovered may be useful for future AI systems.
Faculty Website
Minsu Kim
Associate Professor, Physics
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: The phenotypic resistance of bacteria to antibiotics.
Faculty Website
Ami Klin
Director, Professor, Chief, Department of Pediatrics, Marcus Autism Center, and Children's Healthcare of Atlanta
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Developmental aspects of autism in infants and toddlers, social neuroscience, and novel tools for diagnosis and treatment monitoring.
Faculty Website
Benn Konsynski
Professor, Information Systems and Operations Management
Focus area(s):
Business and Enterprise
, Ethics
Research focus: electronic data interchange, electronic integration, and digital commerce exploring the strategic and institutional perspectives in IT system adoptions, including platform evolution, the IT architecture-governance interplay, and the transformative impact of digital and virtual environments such as Second Life.
Faculty Profile
Dorothy Koveal
Instructor, Department of Biomedical Engineering
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Foundations of AI
Research focus: Fluorescent biosensor development, protein engineering and structure, fluorescence imaging, microfluidics, and high-throughput screening.
Faculty Profile
Elizabeth Krupinski
Professor and Vice Chair for Research, Radiology and Imaging Sciences
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Ethics
Research focus: Medical image perception, observer performance, decision making, human factors, and the interface between humans and computers and how that impacts clinical decision-making efficacy.
Faculty Profile
Chinmay Kulkarni
Associate Professor, Computer Science
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Business and Enterprise
, Arts and Humanities
Research focus: Human-computer interaction, learning at scale and social computing, AI-enabled future of work.
Hired through the AI.Humanity initiative.
Faculty Profile
Hyunjung Gloria Kwak
Assistant Professor
Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Ethics
, Foundations of AI
Research focus: Dedicated to advancing equitable AI in healthcare, tackling algorithmic bias, and addressing social determinants of health to improve patient care. Research spans clinical decision support, health care disparities, and the development of fair and inclusive AI models.
Faculty Website
SeJung Kwan
Assistant Professor
Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Arts and Humanities
Research focus: Human experiences with AI-enabled tools for learning and health outcomes.
Faculty Profile
Hyeok Kwon
Assistant Professor, Biomedical Informatics
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Neurological disorders, mental health, human activity recognition, computer vision, machine learning, edge computing, wearables, ubiquitous computing.
Hired through the AI.Humanity initiative.
Faculty Website
Shuiyun Lan
Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: The replication and pathogenesis of various viruses and the development of novel antivirals and therapeutics, especially against SARS-CoV-2, Nipah virus, and Hepatitis B virus.
Faculty Profile
Max Lau
Assistant Professor, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
Rollins School of Public Health
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Develop innovative statistical, mathematical, and computational methods—including machine learning and deep learning models—to advance the understanding and prediction of infectious disease transmission dynamics, supporting effective public health interventions for emerging infectious threats.
Faculty Profile
Nealen Laxpati
Assistant Professor, Neurosurgery
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Epilepsy, movement disorders, brain-machine interfaces, neuromodulation, Bayesian learning, digital signal processing, time-frequency analysis, dynamical systems, control optimization, clinical translation.
Faculty Website
Hai Le
Assistant Professor, Computer Science
Oxford College of Emory University
Focus area(s):
Arts and Humanities
Research focus: Agent-based simulation and modeling, steering behaviors, AI integration in simulation models, user-simulation model interaction, Wineinformatics.
Hired through the AI.Humanity initiative.
Faculty Profile
Julia LeCher
Instructor, Department of Pediatrics
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Specializes in novel therapeutic approaches for treating human diseases, focusing on zoonotic and emergent viral agents. Her work includes developing 3D cell culture platforms and investigating viral pathogenesis and immune signaling pathways.
Faculty Profile
Dorothy Lerit
Associate Professor, Cell Biology
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: How centrosomes are regulated in development and disease.
Faculty Website
Bradley Leshnower
Professor, Department of Surgery, Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Clinical outcomes of patients undergoing valve-sparing aortic root replacement and neurologic outcomes of patients undergoing aortic arch replacement under circulatory arrest.
Faculty Profile
Allan Levey
Robert W. Woodruff Professor, Goizueta Brain Health Institute
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Precision brain health.
LinkedIn Profile
Longchuan Li
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Informatics
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Early brain development using diffusion MRI and its applications in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and comparative MRI studies on infant monkeys to understand the ontogeny and neural basis of social visual engagement.
Faculty Profile
Yin Li
Assistant Professor, tenure track, Department of Dermatology, School of Medicine
Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Healthcare workforce dynamics, health economics, patient outcomes, and quality of care. She employs multidisciplinary approaches that merge economics and data science for policy change and enhancement of clinical practice.
Faculty Profile
Donghai Liang
Associate Professor, Gangarosa Department of Environmental Health
Rollins School of Public Health
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Characterizing the human exposome and elucidating the molecular mechanisms accounting for the complex health responses to diverse environmental exposures using cutting-edge exposure assessment, AI, and high throughput single- and multi-omics technologies.
Faculty Profile
Fei Liu
Associate Professor, Computer Science
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Arts and Humanities
Research focus: Natural language processing and deep learning, with special emphasis on automatic summarization.
Hired through the AI.Humanity initiative.
Faculty Profile
Yang Liu
Professor, Gangarosa Department of Environmental Health
Rollins School of Public Health
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: AI/ML applications in air pollution monitoring and satellite data applications in public health.
Faculty Profile
Allison LoPilato
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: The impact of adverse childhood experiences on psychiatric disorders and their treatment outcomes, as well as the relationship between childhood adversity and mental health in the context of psychosis and depression.
Faculty Profile
Abigail Powers Lott
Associate Professor, Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: A trauma and PTSD clinician and researcher, currently studying the feasibility of automating trauma-related diagnosis using AI for a civilian sample.
Faculty Website
Jiaying Lu
Assistant Professor, Center for Data Science
Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Large foundation models, multimodal learning, and knowledge graphs, with special emphasis on health care data.
Faculty Website
Mark Lyle
Assistant Professor, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Division of Physical Therapy
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Mark Lyle aims to enhance mobility and improve quality of life for individuals with locomotor impairments by identifying modifiable factors to prevent injury and improve clinical management of locomotor deficits. His work focuses on proprioceptive feedback's role in muscle coordination and rehabilitation strategies.
Faculty Profile
Anant Madabhushi
Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Arts and Humanities
Research focus: Applying AI, radiomics, computational pathology, medical image analysis and computer vision for diagnosis, prognosis and prediction of treatment response for different types of cancers, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease and ophthalmology.
Hired through the AI.Humanity initiative.
Faculty Profile
Babak Mahmoudi
Associate Professor, Associate Professor
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Developing AI systems for automated precision diagnostics and therapeutics.
Faculty Website
Nathalie Maitre
Professor of Pediatrics in Neonatology
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: The neuroscience of the developing brain, particularly in understanding and aiding brain recovery from early insults. She is passionate about high-risk infant follow-up and combines research with clinical care, implementation science, and advocacy to improve outcomes for infants and children.
Faculty Profile
Carmen Marsit
Professor, Rollins Professor, Executive Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Research Strategy, Environmental Health, Epidemiology
Rollins School of Public Health
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Understanding the molecular mechanisms by which the environment impacts human disease, utilizing multidisciplinary research methods to study molecular alterations linked to conditions such as cancer and childhood disorders.
Faculty Profile
Kevin McAlister
Assistant Teaching Professor, Department of Quantitative Theory and Methods
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Foundations of AI
Research focus: Political methodology, statistical modeling, and legislative behavior, utilizing Bayesian Statistics and Machine Learning to explore American political institutions.
Faculty Profile
Shannon Meeks
Program Medical Director, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Hematology/Oncology
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Dr. Meeks centers on hemophilia A, particularly the immune response to factor VIII in patients. Her work aims to modify the factor VIII protein to prevent immune responses that produce inhibitors and to understand the underlying immune mechanisms to predict which patients may develop inhibitors and their subsequent treatment outcomes.
Faculty Profile
Andrew Miller
Professor, Psychiatry
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: The impact of inflammation on the brain as it relates to depression and other psychiatric disorders. Actively developing treatments to reverse the negative consequences of inflammation on the brain and behavior.
Faculty Website
Ben Miller
Associate Teaching Professor, Emory Writing Program
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Arts and Humanities
Research focus: Technical writing and composition pedagogy, integrating multimedia forms in communication, and advancing writing instruction.
Faculty Profile
Hilary Miller-Goldwater
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Psychology
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Foundations of AI
Research focus: Investigates STEM learning in early childhood, focusing on science and spatial cognition. She examines cognitive processes such as memory, language, and attention, utilizing methodologies like eye-tracking and computational modeling to understand and promote STEM skill development.
Faculty Website
Tamara Miller
Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Improving reporting systems for adverse events in pediatric cancer therapies and enhancing supportive care research for clinical trials in children with cancer.
Faculty Profile
Svjetlana Miocinovic
Associate Professor, Neurology
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Human electrophysiology of the basal ganglia and cortical circuits in Parkinson's disease and other movement disorders. We study motor and non-motor networks and deep brain stimulation (DBS) mechanisms with intraoperative recordings or in-clinic EEG, EMG and wearables.
Faculty Website
Jasmine Mirdamadi
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Motor learning, proprioception, plasticity, and rehabilitation, aiming to enhance understanding of sensorimotor processes and improve therapeutic interventions.
Faculty Website
Kenneth Moberg
Professor, Department of Cell Biology
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Cancer cell biology and development of the central nervous system, using Drosophila melanogaster to study growth regulatory proteins and their roles in epithelial cell growth, morphogenesis, motility, and neurological disorders.
Faculty Profile
Pablo Montagnes
Associate Professor, Political Science, Quantitative Theory and Methods
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Business and Enterprise
, Arts and Humanities
Research focus: Algorithmic market and organizational design, algorithmic delegation, and AI governance.
Faculty Profile
Greg Myer
Professor, Director, Emory Sports Performance And Research Center (SPARC), Orthopaedics
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Sports injury prevention and exercise training for performance, rehabilitation, and health. The scientific impact is highlighted in translating scientific discoveries into clinically viable tools that can be widely disseminated to benefit targeted populations.
Faculty Profile
Kenneth Myers
Assistant Professor, Department of Cell Biology
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Foundations of AI
Research focus: Understanding the molecular mechanisms that regulate cell behavior, particularly in the context of neural development and function. His work integrates advanced imaging techniques and computational modeling to elucidate the dynamic processes underlying cell signaling and differentiation.
Faculty Profile
Scott Myers
Instructor, Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Understanding the molecular mechanisms and pharmacological modulation of NMDA receptors and their role in neurological diseases.
Faculty Profile
James Nagy
Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor, Mathematics Department Chair
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Foundations of AI
Research focus: Numerical linear algebra, scientific computation, and numerical solutions to discrete ill-posed problems in signal and image processing, focusing on computational mathematics.
Faculty Website
Ashley Naimi
Associate Professor, Epidemiology
Rollins School of Public Health
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Foundations of AI
Research focus: Causal inference, machine learning, and artificial intelligence methods to address questions in reproductive, perinatal, and nutritional epidemiology, emphasizing social determinants of health and health disparities.
Faculty Profile
Samaneh Nasiri
Assistant Professor, Biomedical Informatics
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: AI, mathematics, computation and medical knowledge to develop solutions to sleep problems as well as predict neurological and cardiovascular diseases.
Hired through the AI.Humanity initiative.
LinkedIn Profile
Ilya Nemenman
Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor, Physics and Biology
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Theory of AI; Use of AI in analysis of modern biological experiments.
Faculty Website
Elizabeth Newman
Assistant Professor, Mathematics
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Arts and Humanities
Research focus: Multidimensional algebra, numerical linear algebra, machine learning, deep neural networks and optimization.
Hired through the AI.Humanity initiative.
Faculty Profile
John Nickerson
Professor Emeritus, Ophthalmology
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Using AI to segment cells from one another in complex tissues.
Faculty Profile
Jaqueline Nikpour
Assistant Professor
Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Examining the impact of new primary care delivery models on achieving equitable health outcomes for patients. Especially interested in the organization, delivery, and financing of nursing care in health centers and other community-based settings.
LinkedIn Profile
Jonathon Nye
Professor, Radiology and Radiological Science
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Pharmacokinetic modeling, positron emission tomography, and radiation dosimetry, contributing to advancements in medical imaging and health diagnostics.
Faculty Website
Chethan Pandarinath
Assistant Professor, Department of Neurosurgery
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Foundations of AI
Research focus: Understanding how the brain represents information and intention, utilizing this knowledge to develop high-performance, robust, practical assistive devices for individuals with disabilities and neurological disorders. His work combines a dynamical systems approach with systems engineering techniques, including machine learning and control theory, to advance brain-machine interfaces and neuromodulatory devices.
Faculty Profile
Francisco Pasquel
Associate Professor, Medicine/Endocrinology
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Diabetes technologies, predictive modeling, and metabolic phenotyping with a focus on advancing cardiometabolic health.
Faculty Profile
Chrystal Paulos
Principle Investigator, Not explicitly mentioned, but related to the Winship Cancer Institute or Immunology
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Improving TCR- and CAR-based T cell therapy for cancer immunotherapy, understanding T cell development, and maintaining immunological memory for combating solid tumors.
Faculty Website
Anne Piantadosi
Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: The emergence, evolution, and pathogenesis of clinically and publicly important viruses, with a special interest in arboviruses, using clinical, laboratory, and computational methods.
Faculty Profile
Adam Prater
Neuroradiologist, Radiology
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Dr. Prater specializes in neuroradiology, focusing on advanced imaging techniques to diagnose and monitor conditions affecting the central nervous system, including the brain, head and neck, spinal cord, and spine.
Faculty Website
Cassidy Puckett
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Ethics
Research focus: Examines the intersection of technological change and inequality, emphasizing digital adaptability and its implications for educational, occupational, and health disparities among adolescents. She explores how digital adaptability influences learning and social stratification and investigates the impact of technology use on children's health management, such as Type 1 diabetes.
Faculty Profile
Zhaohui Qin
Professor, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
Rollins School of Public Health
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Bioinformatics, using statistics, machine learning, and AI to study genetics, genomics, and other omics data.
Faculty Profile
Deqiang Qiu
MRI Program Director, Center for Systems Imaging Core
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Ethics
Research focus: Computational neuroimaging, developing advanced MRI techniques and image analysis tools to improve diagnosis and management of neurological diseases like cerebrovascular disease, epilepsy, and Alzheimer's. His work involves machine learning applications for image analysis and software development for data analysis.
Faculty Profile
Cassandra Quave
Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Human Health; Curator of the Herbarium, Center for the Study of Human Health; School of Medicine
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Drug discovery from natural products to improve treatments for multidrug-resistant bacterial infections, utilizing an ethnobotanical approach to identify novel anti-infectives.
Faculty Profile
Nisha Raj
Assistant Professor, Department of Human Genetics
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: The genetic and molecular mechanisms underlying neurological disorders, including fragile X syndrome and schizophrenia, using cross-species analysis and human cellular models to explore mitochondrial dysregulation and PI3K-dependent defects.
Faculty Profile
Sundaresh Ram
Assistant Professor, Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Develop foundational theories, tools, techniques, and systems combining ideas from multidimensional signal processing/analysis, image science, information theory, detection and estimation theory, pattern recognition and machine learning for applications in various imaging technologies including conventional and medical imaging, biological sciences, and data science.
Hired through the AI.Humanity initiative.
Faculty Bio
Gordon Ramsay
Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Developing vocal biomarkers for early detection of autism and related neurodevelopmental disorders, applying machine learning and mathematical models of speech production to naturalistic home recordings of infant vocal behavior and infant-caregiver interaction.
Faculty Profile
Saima Rathore
Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Informatics
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Neuroimaging of neurodegenerative diseases to apply advanced imaging technology for discovery of multi-modal biomarkers to facilitate earlier detection and predict progression of neurodegenerative pathologies.
Hired through the AI.Humanity initiative.
Faculty Bio
Megan Reed
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: A social demographer and sociologist who uses quantitative and qualitative methods to study gender and family dynamics. Her research focuses on family and gender dynamics in India and the impact of COVID-19 on family relationships in the United States.
Faculty Profile
Matthew Reyna
Assistant Professor, Biomedical Informatics
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Ethics
Research focus: Combines approaches from mathematics, statistics, computer science, and engineering to address biological and clinical questions in a principled and meaningful way.
Faculty Website
Benjamin Risk
Associate Professor, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
Rollins School of Public Health
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Research in neurodevelopment, autism, ADHD, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. Driven by scientific questions and statistical training to navigate the complexities of the brain.
Faculty Website
Miguel Rueda
Associate Professor, Associate Professor
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Arts and Humanities
Research focus: Miguel R. Rueda's research interests include electoral manipulation, civil conflict, money in politics, and political methodology.
Faculty Profile
Lars Ruthotto
Winship Distinguished Research Associate Professor, Mathematics
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
, Foundations of AI
Research focus: Intersecting applied mathematics and data science. Creating mathematical insights and more efficient machine learning algorithms and applying them to problems in science, engineering, medicine, and other domains.
Faculty Website
Safdar Nabile
Interim Chief AI Officer, Emory Digital; Radiology and Imaging Sciences
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Implementation of AI in healthcare at scale. Developing and implementing AI in clinical imaging.
Faculty Profile
Reza Sameni
Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Informatics
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Ethics
Research focus: Developing advanced signal processing techniques for biomedical applications, particularly in cardiology and neurology, and exploring the use of artificial intelligence in improving healthcare outcomes.
Faculty Profile
Mar Sanchez
Division Chief and Core Scientist, Developmental and Cognitive Neuroscience Division; Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Mar Sanchez studies the neurobiological systems affecting stress physiology and emotion regulation, with an emphasis on how early life experiences like maternal care and social stress impact brain development and contribute to anxiety and mood disorders.
Faculty Profile
Kim Sangmi
Assistant Professor
Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Chronic stress and trauma in pregnant women and those affected by intimate partner violence, with a specific emphasis on health equity. Employing data science applied to interdisciplinary research driving innovative solutions for women's health equity.
Faculty Profile
Pedro Sant’Anna
Associate Professor, Economics
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Arts and Humanities
Research focus: Develop, better understand, and improve causal inference methods by leveraging advances in econometrics, machine learning, and AI.
Hired through the AI.Humanity initiative.
Faculty Profile
Ignacio Sanz
Mason I. Lowance Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics, Division of Rheumatology, Department of Medicine
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Dr. Sanz focuses on understanding immune system dysfunction in autoimmune diseases, specifically how B cells and plasma cells contribute to diseases like systemic lupus erythematosus, with applications in vaccine response enhancement and cancer immunotherapy.
Faculty Profile
Abeed Sarker
Associate Professor and Vice Chair for Research, Biomedical Informatics
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Ethics
, Foundations of AI
Research focus: The intersection of natural language processing (NLP), machine learning, and health informatics. Engaged in the R&D of data-centric NLP systems that can convert free text from sources such as clinical notes, social media, and published literature, into actionable knowledge.
Faculty Website
Lawrence Scahill
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: The design and conduct of clinical trials in children with autism spectrum disorder, primarily on psychopharmacological and behavioral interventions for evidence-based care and improving outcome measurement in intervention studies.
Faculty Website
David Schweidel
Goizueta Chair of Business Technology and Professor of Marketing
Focus area(s):
Business and Enterprise
, Arts and Humanities
, Ethics
, Foundations of AI
Research focus: Applications of AI to business operations with a focus on marketing; Consumer perceptions and reaction to AI.
Faculty Profile
Hui Shao
Associate Professor, Hubert Department of Global Health
Rollins School of Public Health
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Predictive modeling, using advanced machine learning, microsimulation and econometrics method to build valid predictive models to resolve real-world issues. Causal AI, diabetes, precision medicine, precision public health, health economics, health policy.
Hired through the AI.Humanity initiative.
Faculty Profile
Dan Sinykin
Associate Professor, English
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Arts and Humanities
Research focus: Focusing on data creation, collection, and dissemination using AI.
Faculty Website
Sam Sober
Associate Professor. Department of Biology
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: The research investigates how neural circuits drive vocal output and are modified by sensorimotor experience using songbird vocal control systems.
Faculty Profile
Heeju Sohn
Assistant Professor, Sociology
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Social demographer, revealing how social structures create and reinforce health inequities between classes, races/ethnicities, and genders. Demographic methods to model dynamics across geographies and time.
Faculty Profile
Sharon Soneblum
Associate Research Professor, Center for Data Science
Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Technology-enabled pressure injury detection and monitoring, wound assessment across diverse skin tones, soft tissue biomechanics, disability and mobility outcomes, mixed methods research, assistive technology assessment.
Faculty Website
Eric Sorscher
Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pulmonary, Allergy/Immunology, Cystic Fibrosis and Sleep
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Cystic fibrosis-related science, studying molecular pathogenesis and translational research concerning cancer and cystic fibrosis.
Faculty Profile
Jennifer Stevens
Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Jennifer Stevens explores neuroimaging approaches to understanding brain function, particularly neural circuits affecting emotional arousal and trauma-related memory. Her work investigates stress vulnerability, resilience, sex differences in emotion-related brain function, and the neural basis of trauma-related psychopathology.
Faculty Profile
Dietrich Stout
Department Chair and Professor, Department of Anthropology
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Foundations of AI
Research focus: The evolution of brain and cognition through studying paleolithic archaeology and lithic technology. His work in cognitive neuroscience explores individual variation in brain anatomy and its impact on learning trajectories, particularly in real-world and evolutionarily relevant skills.
Faculty Profile
Chang Su
Assistant Professor, Biostatistics
Rollins School of Public Health
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Single cell genomics and genetics; gene network inference.
Hired through the AI.Humanity initiative.
Faculty Profile
Ryan Suk
Assistant Professor, SON & HPM (RSPH)
Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Decision modeling, AI-driven decision aids, and economic evaluation. Optimizing resources and their allocation by efficiently developing various AI-driven, community-engaged decision support tools for HPV-associated cancer prevention and control.
Faculty Website
Yan Sun
Professor, Epidemiology
Rollins School of Public Health
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Novel study designs and advanced informatics/AI applications of multi-omics and EHR data to understand risk factors and functional mechanisms of human diseases in multi-ancestral populations. The goal is to improve the prediction, prevention and treatment of human diseases.
Faculty Profile
Eric Sundberg
Professor and Chair, Department of Biochemistry
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Structural biology, molecular biophysics, and protein engineering to understand infectious diseases and create novel protein therapeutics.
Faculty Profile
Vaidy Sunderam
Professor and Chair, Computer Science
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Business and Enterprise
, Arts and Humanities
, Ethics
Research focus: Foundational aspects of Computer Science that enable AI, including data mining and machine learning, data privacy, AI education, high-end computing, and generative AI.
Faculty Profile
Joe Sutherland
Assistant Professor, Director of the Center for AI Learning, Quantitative Theory and Methods
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Business and Enterprise
, Arts and Humanities
, Foundations of AI
Research focus: Methodological innovations that improve the ability of AI, ML, and data science techniques to make causal inferences. Popular understanding of AI's impact on opportunity and productivity in the workforce.
Faculty Profile
Anand Swaminathan
Roberto C. Goizueta Chair of Organization and Management
Focus area(s):
Business and Enterprise
Research focus: Exploring a range of organizational issues, including industry evolution, strategies for niche firms, and applications of social network analysis. He examines planned obsolescence in software platforms, network effects in venture capital investment decisions, and career outcomes in the NFL and academia.
Faculty Profile
Vilma Todri
Associate Professor, Information Systems and Operations Management
Focus area(s):
Business and Enterprise
Research focus: Exploring AI-driven advancements and digital disruptions reshape business strategies in the Internet economy, influence online consumer behavior, and redefine firm-consumer interactions in technology-mediated environments.
Faculty Website
Alexander Tolbert
Assistant Professor, Quantitative Theory and Methods
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Arts and Humanities
Research focus: Philosophical foundations of machine learning, causal inference and uncertainty quantification in machine learning, algorithmic fairness and game theory.
Hired through the AI.Humanity initiative.
Faculty Website
Stephen Traynelis
Professor of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology, Department of Pharmacology
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Understanding the function of neuronal circuits, synapses, and synaptic receptors using electrophysiology techniques. He explores the modulation of glutamate receptors and the impact of human mutations on these receptors to address both healthy and disease states of neural function.
Faculty Website
Hari Trivedi
Associate Professor, Radiology
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Foundations of AI
Research focus: Curation of large-scale multi-modal datasets for training, validation, and commercialization of radiology AI models. Breast cancer is the primary focus.
LinkedIn Profile
Guillermo Umpierrez
Professor of Medicine, Endocrinology
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Mechanisms for beta-cell dysfunction in minority populations, prevention of acute and chronic diabetic complications, and hospital management of diabetes.
Faculty Profile
Marly Van Assen
Assistant Professor, Radiology and Imaging Sciences
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: New technologies in cardiothoracic imaging, computed tomography, artificial intelligence, heart disease, early detection and prevention.
Hired through the AI.Humanity initiative.
LinkedIn Profile
Jithin Sam Varghese
Assistant Professor, Hubert Department of Global Health
Rollins School of Public Health
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Integrate precision medicine and public health surveillance. Technology solutions for cardiometabolic disease management among underserved populations in US and globally.
Hired through the AI.Humanity initiative.
Faculty Website
Nicholas Varvel
Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Understanding the immune system's role in the pathogenesis and progression of neurologic diseases, including Alzheimer's disease and epilepsy, aiming to identify immune-related targets for therapeutic interventions.
Faculty Website
Miriam Vos
Professor and Vice Chair of Clinical Research, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Dr. Vos's research centers on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in children, aiming to understand its onset, progression, and prevention, focusing on dietary factors such as sugar intake and the development of non-invasive diagnostic methods.
Faculty Profile
Lance Waller
Professor, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
Rollins School of Public Health
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Ethics
, Foundations of AI
Research focus: Research involves the development of statistical methods for geographic data with applications in epidemiology, disease surveillance, and disease ecology.
Faculty Profile
Chia-shi Wang
Assistant Professor, Division of Pediatric Nephrology
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Childhood nephrotic syndrome, including disease epidemiology, outcomes, and novel treatment options. She has developed and tested a mobile app for nephrotic syndrome management and has led multiple clinical research projects and trials.
Faculty Profile
Jinhu Wang
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Understanding regenerative responses in non-mammalian vertebrates like zebrafish to discover new targets for regenerative deficiencies in mammals, specifically in cardiac tissues such as the myocardium and epicardium.
Faculty Profile
Yun Wang
Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Informatics
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Developing cutting-edge multi-modal AI methods to study brain development, integrating neuroimaging, multi-omics, and clinical data, and applying AI to advance perinatal maternal mental health.
Hired through the AI.Humanity initiative.
Faculty Bio
David Weinshenker
Professor, Department of Human Genetics
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: The role of the locus coeruleus and norepinephrine in modulating behavior and neurological disorders, aiming to understand their involvement in conditions such as depression, anxiety, and neurodegenerative diseases.
Faculty Website
David Weiss
Professor, Emory Antibiotic Resistance Center
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Combatting antimicrobial resistance in bacteria and fungi. Studying heteroresistance, where only a minor subpopulation of cells is phenotypically resistant. Integrating AI into a new diagnostic platform technology to detect heteroresistance and other forms of resistance.
Faculty Profile
Zhexing Wen
Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Foundations of AI
Research focus: Understanding neurological and psychiatric diseases using advanced techniques such as multi-omics, deep learning, and human-induced pluripotent stem cells. His work also explores applications of AI in health for drug repurposing and diagnosis.
Faculty Profile
Bonna Wescoat
Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Art History, Art History Department
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Arts and Humanities
Research focus: Ancient Greek art and architecture, emphasizing Archaic and Hellenistic architectural trends and architectural sculpture. She directs excavations and field research in the Sanctuary of the Great Gods, Samothrace.
Faculty Profile
Thomas Wichmann
A. Worley Brown Professor of Neurology
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Developing more effective and safer interventions for Parkinson's disease and other movement disorders by studying brain activity changes and the effects of deep brain stimulation.
Faculty Profile
Drew Williamson
Assistant Professor, Pathology
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Application of deep learning techniques to pathology data with a focus on multimodal approaches integrating histology, genomics, and natural language.
Hired through the AI.Humanity initiative.
Faculty Profile
Thomas Wingo
Associate Professor, Neurology and Human Genetics
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Identifying the genetic causes of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease (AD), Frontotemporal dementia (FTD), and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), particularly exploring the genetic architecture and potential Mendelian causes of these diseases.
Faculty Profile
Phillip Wolf
Professor, Psychology and Linguistics
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Using natural language data to identify biomarkers of psychosis, major depression, neurodegenerative diseases, and cognitive processes. Applying AI, NLP, and machine learning advances digital phenotyping and explores conceptual patterns across language communities.
Faculty Website
Jennifer Wong
Assistant Professor, Department of Human Genetics, Pediatrics
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Understanding the effects of seizures on molecular dynamics and neural function in the brain, contributing to epileptogenesis and the development of epilepsy, to identify molecular and neural targets for novel epilepsy treatments.
Faculty Profile
Julia Wrobel
Assistant Professor, Biostatistics
Rollins School of Public Health
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: End-to-end data science pipelines for wearable device and biomedical imaging data, and statistical methods related to functional data analysis, spatial point processes, and statistical computing.
Hired through the AI.Humanity initiative.
Faculty Website
Ran Xiao
Assistant Professor
Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Applying biomedical engineering principles, machine learning and data science to health care research. Acute coronary syndrome, early brain development, predictive analytics.
Hired through the AI.Humanity initiative.
Faculty Profile
Li Xiong
Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor, Computer Science
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Ethics
, Foundations of AI
Research focus: Privacy-enhancing and trustworthy AI methods, including differential privacy, federated learning, data synthesization, and machine unlearning, with applications in health care, public health, and spatial intelligence.
Faculty Profile
Ruoxuan Xiong
Assistant Professor, Quantitative Theory and Methods
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Business and Enterprise
, Arts and Humanities
Research focus: The intersection of causal inference and machine learning, design of digital experiments, and financial statistics.
Faculty Profile
Bin Xu
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Arts and Humanities
Research focus: The intersections of cultural and political sociology, particularly on civil society, civic engagement, and collective memory in China. He aims to develop generalizable knowledge that remains sensitive to context-specific processes and addresses significant public issues while maintaining scientific rigor.
Faculty Profile
Chunhui Xu
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Human cardiomyocytes derived from human pluripotent stem cells, with applications in cardiac cell therapy, disease modeling, and drug discovery.
Faculty Profile
Huiwen Xu
Associate Professor, Academic Advancement
Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: To understand the interaction of federal and state policies with nursing home operations and how this interaction may improve or unintendedly compromise the quality of care or health equity, using large Medicare data and advanced statistical and machine learning methods.
Faculty Profile
Runze Yan
Assistant Professor, Center for Data Science
Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Foundations of AI
Research focus: The application of AI in health care. Extensive experience in developing machine learning and deep learning methods for wearable and mobile devices aimed at modeling human behavior and predicting health and well-being outcomes.
LinkedIn Profile
Marianne Yee
Associate Professor, Pediatrics
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Dr. Marianne Yee's research interests include sickle cell disease and other benign hematologic disorders, emphasizing transfusion therapy, chronic kidney damage, and long-term outcomes.
Faculty Profile
Shan Ping Yu
Endowed Professor, Anesthesiology
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Investigating the mechanism of cell death and regeneration in brain injuries and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and developing new treatments for these disorders.
Faculty Profile
Hongjie Yuan
Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Foundations of AI
Research focus: The structural and functional analysis of ion channels and receptors, utilizing cryo-electron microscopy and electrophysiology techniques to understand their roles in neurological diseases.
Faculty Website
Brian Zanoni
Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Improving HIV treatment and care among adolescents, particularly in South Africa. His work includes designing interventions such as peer support groups and evaluating long-acting antiretroviral therapies to enhance engagement and adherence among young patients.
Faculty Profile
Emma Jingfei Zhang
Associate Professor, Information Systems and Operations Management
Focus area(s):
Business and Enterprise
, Human Health
Research focus: Point processes and their applications, statistical analysis of networks, graphs and tensor data, with applications in business, neuroscience and social science.
Hired through the AI.Humanity initiative.
Faculty Profile
Wenhui (Vivian) Zhang
Assistant Research Professor, Nursing
Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Aging, geriatrics, and data science. Currently working on projects on multimorbidity, expressive writing, and nursing quality indicators.
Faculty Profile
Liang Zhao
Associate Professor, Computer Science
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Spatiotemporal, textual, and network data mining, deep learning on graphs, nonconvex optimization, interpretable machine learning, large language models, and multimodal foundation models, as well as their applications in health and sciences.
Faculty Website
James Zheng
Professor, Department of Cell Biology
Emory University School of Medicine
Focus area(s):
Human Health
Research focus: Employ machine learning and AI-based tracking to analyze age-dependent emergence and progression of neurodegenerative deficits. Current animal model is Drosophila melanogaster (fruit flies), which enables us to perform lifelong interrogation of neurodegeneration after environmental stress.
Faculty Website
Andreas Züfle
Associate Professor, Computer Science
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Focus area(s):
Human Health
, Arts and Humanities
Research focus: Mining spatiotemporal data with applications in transportation, epidemiology, social science and urban computing.
Hired through the AI.Humanity initiative.
Faculty Profile